Wall Cladding Protects Insulation From Moisture

wall cladding

Most people would agree that their household budgets have enough to cover and don’t need any extra expenses added to it. But if your insulation isn’t intact, if moisture has penetrated to the interior of your home or business, then you’ve already added a new item to your budget without even realizing it. That’s because the energy that you use to heat and cool the inside of your structure is escaping outside, increasing your energy bills, and you might not have figured out the reason why. Compromised insulation is one of the main reasons why energy consumption increases; it’s also one of the reasons why buildings experience issues that can, if not attended to promptly, lead to real problems later on. The right wall cladding can help provide the protection that your building must have if it’s going to be able to prevent moisture from invading your home or business.

wall claddingHow Wall Cladding Protects Insulation From Moisture

Weather has a lot of weapons at hand to defeat a building. Year after year, there are snowfalls, rainstorms, winds and hail; and don’t forget about the hot sun which beats down upon a building during the warmer months. Danpal wall cladding has a convective motion, with an air gap to provide natural ventilation, that keeps the insulation dry. Rain and snow are prevented from getting inside because of our connector-bound microcell polycarbonate sheets and our double-notching. How can a building hope to withstand such an onslaught from nature? Danpal has put a lot of research into its products and our wall cladding reflects the innovative spirit that marks all of our materials.

Energy Efficiency and Insulation

Buildings have a vital role to play in the goal to maintain a sustainable lifestyle. In most IEA countries, it’s the buildings that consume 40{5b578bc8adcb4430178b10faf0e9aa5adf0d58c8ca73fed93934f78c0e900111} of primary energy. If your building’s insulation is allowing energy to escape, you’re the one paying the bill but the planet is paying the price for wasted energy. The purpose of insulation is to keep your energy within the structure so that you can maintain a consistent indoor temperature. But once insulation has been damaged by moisture, your heating and cooling systems have to work harder to maintain that consistent temperature. By protecting the insulation of a building, wall cladding is doing its part to help the building occupants support a sustainable lifestyle.

The Benefits Of Working With Danpal Wall Cladding

The main purpose of wall cladding is, as we’ve noted, to protect the insulation of a building. But Danpal wall cladding, because our panels are customizable up to 12.0m standard length, offers a level of creativity and originality in architectural design that you can’t expect to find in other products. Customization is a fantastic benefit for architects because it allows them to indulge in more creativity with their designs. Add in the fact that Danpal wall cladding is available in so many colors and designs and it’s easy to understand how a building’s appearance is enhanced.