Your Skylight Roof Lets the Sunshine in

Skylight Roof

Light is what a skylight is all about and Danpal understands that a skylight roof adds so much to the appeal of a home or building. A skylight roof is a wonderful way to invite the daylight inside a structure so that everyone benefits from the way natural light makes us feel. Some people hesitate when deciding whether or not to add a skylight roof because they worry about its ability to withstand adverse weather. But rest assured that a Danpal skylight roof is designed with durability in mind, something for which our company, which has been creating and installing innovative roofing systems for the last 50 years, can be counted on. Built to last, built to perform, that’s what Danpal products add to construction.

Danpavault Barrel Vault Skylight Systems

At Danpal, we’re proud of the way we’ve been able to engineer a skylight roof that is compatible with all kinds of roofing, including profiled metal or concrete. Our Danpavault Barrel Vault Skylight System combine Danpal’s decades of roofing expertise with easy integration, UV protection and a seamless, even diffusion of natural light that delivers optimum insulation for your building.

Skylight RoofSkylight Roofs Deliver the Sun and Strength

A skylight roof is the architectural way to have the best of both worlds: the comfort of the inside with the natural illumination from outside. There are economic benefits to this blend as well; Danpal skylight roofs offer both thermal and solar comfort, and they do so without cutting corners on structural endurance. Danpal skylight roofs are made with microcell technology to enhance their ability to withstand damage from rough weather, even from hail. Thanks to a 100{5b578bc8adcb4430178b10faf0e9aa5adf0d58c8ca73fed93934f78c0e900111} watertight composition, rain isn’t going to compromise the integrity of your skylight roof. The rain can’t get inside. Knowing that your skylight roof provides the ultimate in protection from the rough weather conditions makes it easier for you to enjoy the wonderful abundance of natural light that a skylight roof gives you. Imagine spending quality time in a building that invites just the right amount of illumination, under the most ideal of conditions, into your day. In addition, the skylight roof delivers extended UV protection for added defense from the powerful rays of the sun. That’s what the Danpavault system promises.

Skylight Roofs Bring Versatility

If you’re skeptical about a skylight roof and you think it might make the construction process too complicated, think again. Our Danpavault Barrel Vault Skylight Roof System is tailored for versatility. Because our panels come in unlimited lengths, they’re easily integrated into position. The flexibility of the panels makes them easy to install without needing extra effort or labor. The versatility of Danpal engineering connects the unbounded creativity of the architect with the built-in flexibility of the product. Not needing extra effort or work to make the perfect building is liberating for an architect, allowing him to focus on what the building will look like at completion rather than on what reductions he needs to make in order to meet a budget. Budgets love Danpal products because so much more is offered for the money.