Rainscreen Cladding Saves Buildings from Weather Damage

Rainscreen Cladding

Depend on Rainscreen Cladding for Weather Protection for Your Building

The next time you’re listening to the weather report on the evening news, take a minute to go outside and take a look at your home or office. When we hear that it’s going to rain or that there’s snow in the forecast, our first thought is what we should wear to accommodate the weather. But a building’s wardrobe is a lot different than ours. Rainscreen cladding is a building’s version of an umbrella, designed to protect the structure from the external moisture that could damage the interior if it gets inside. Rain is the number one culprit when there’s exterior damage to a building, and that’s why you need to install rainscreen cladding.

Rainscreen Cladding The Protection of Rainscreen Cladding

Rainscreen cladding is made up of a ventilated cavity, an outer panel, and an internal sheet. There’s a gap between the cladding and the exterior of the building which prevents moisture the moisture caused by rain and snow from seeping into the wall. The double-notched panels keep everything watertight to prevent the rain from invading. Likewise, the overhangs and screens are extremely effective at halting the rainwater from entering at all. The effectiveness of Danpal’s Ventilated Rainscreen System is based upon its connector-bound Microcell polycarbonate panels, which are three times lighter than traditional rainscreen cladding.

Saving Money with Rainscreen Cladding

The rainscreen cladding is a money-saver in a number of ways. The ventilation system, by enhancing the efficiency of the building’s insulation, saves on energy costs. When moisture gets inside a building, it can eventually lead to structural problems lie mold, corrosion, high levels of permeability and weakened insulation that’s much less effective. By the time the problem is detected, the damage may be so pronounced that repair and replacement costs are going to be high. Because rainscreen cladding is so easy to install, there’s less time involved in the process, which means that less of your money is spent on the installation process. And because the process is so efficient, there’s minimal disruption to the people who are working inside the building. Here’s something else that will bring a smile to your wallet. If, for some reason, the building is slated for demolition in the future, the cladding can be reused. You can’t get much more sustainable than that!

Rainscreen Cladding Improves a Building’s Appearance

Rainscreen cladding, by preventing the development of problems that arise when moisture leaks into a building, does a great deal to keep the structure maintaining its appearance. But rainscreen cladding is like a 24/7 spa treatment for a building throughout its existence, keeping it looking new and well maintained. Danpal offers many customizable options to choose from, and the variety of colors, textures, and finishes ensures that the building will possess its own unique look, which is an ideal way to establish your identity in the area.

But there’s another way that your building is going to establish its identity. It’s the building that withstands the elements and the test of time, thanks to the protection of its rain screen cladding.